Sunday, February 9, 2014

Our First Service Learning Visit

Courtesy of Google Images

Last February 7, we had our first visit to the community we were assigned to namely the St. Luke’s Reach Out Foundation. While we were there, I saw a few disabled individuals being cared for by the community members. I found it really reassuring to know that there are angels in disguise who would care for these individuals and even treat them as if they were part of their own family.

Courtesy of Google Images
Fr. Luke Moortgat, the President of the foundation was the one who conducted the speech to us students. The talk began as soon as everyone had settled down. The speech was rather long yet at the same time, informative and fun to hear. The main point was that we, future business leaders could do something to help the community even at our early age. It could be small, but every effort helps. We have the ability to improve the lifestyle of the homeless and the impaired if we put our hearts into it. In fact, Fr. Luke shared to us some stuff which were amusing and at the same time, quite surprising. We had this little multiple choice game on the invention/establishment of some things and the profession of the founders of these objects. One of these is the establishment of the Red Cross. It wasn’t a doctor or a medical physician who found this organization. It was a banker! The foundation was made by this banker for he cared for the soldiers during a certain war. He didn’t have to be a doctor to help these people. The other examples given also led to the point that if we care for someone or something so much, we could find a way to help them.

After the talk, we bid Father farewell and we had a discussion on what we could do to help the community. There were three suggestions: 1. Make a tarpaulin, showing the unfortunate and ways on how we could help them, 2. Construct a website for the community, and 3. Produce a prayer book book to be used by the community. The group was divided into three and was assigned of these tasks, however we made a few changes to the second suggestion for none of us knew how to make a website in a limited amount of time. So, instead of a website, we decided to make a blog instead. After discussing the division of tasks, we went on our way home filled with new knowledge and enthusiasm as we await our next visit.

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